Daniel G. Herrera, MD, PhD

Dual board-certified in Neurology and Psychiatry, bringing a wealth of experience from top institutions, including Yale, NewYork-Presbyterian, and Cambridge Health Alliance, to serve south Texas in private practice since 2021.

    • 1992-1993 – Internal Medicine internship at Yale-New Haven Medical Center

    • 1993-1999 – Neurology and Psychiatry residency at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

    • 2000-2008 – Psychiatry Attending, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

    • 2009-2011 – Psychiatry Attending, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

    • 2011-2015 – Consultant, Centro CoNoCe

    • 2011-2015 – Consultant, Neurometrics Valencia

    • 2011-2016 – Locum tenens (as Psychiatry Attending)

    • 2015-2019 – Psychiatry Attending, Cambridge Health Alliance

    • 2019-Present – Medical Director - Psychiatry Attending, Palms Behavioral Health

    • 2021-Present – Psychiatry Attending, Texas Neuropsychiatry MD, PA

    Academic Positions

    • 1999-2000 – Postdoctoral Fellow - Visiting Professor, Department of Cell Biology, University of Valencia, Spain

    • 2000-2001 – Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

    • 2001-2007 – Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

    • 2007-2008 – Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

    • M.D., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1986

    • M.Sc., Dalhousie University, Canada, 1989

    • Ph.D., McGill University, Canada, 1993

    Board Certifications

    • ABPN – Neurology #44093

    • ABPN – Psychiatry #46649

    Active Medical Licenses

    • Massachusetts – #242208

    • Texas – #R9498

    • G.S. Robertson, DG Herrera, M. Dragunow and H.A. Robertson (1989),L-DOPA activates c-fos in the striatum ipsilateral to a 6-hydroxidopamine lesion of the substantia nigra, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 159 99-100.

    • DG Herrera and H.A. Robertson (1989), Unilateral induction of c-fos protein in cortex following cortical devascularization, Brain Res.503 205-213.

    • DG Herrera and Robertson H.A. (1990), NMDA-receptors mediate the activation of c-fos in a model of brain injury, Neuroscience 35 273-281.

    • DG Herrera and Robertson H.A.(1990) , Topical application of potassium induces c-fos: reversal by MK-801, Brain Res 510 166-170.

    • DG Herrera and A.C. Cuello (1992), Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity following cortical devascularizing lesion, Neuroscience 49 781-791.

    • DG Herrera and A.C. Cuello (1992) MK-801 affects the potassium-induced increase of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in rat brain, Brain Res. 598 286-293.

    • DG Herrera, D. Maysinger and M. Goiny (1993), Induction of c-fos immunoreactivity in the hippocampus following potassium stimulation, Neuroscience 52 237-244.

    • DG Herrera, D. Maysinger, R. Gadient, C. Boeckh, U. Otten and A.C. Cuello (1993), Spreading depression induces c-fos-like immunoreactivity and NGF mRNA in the rat cerebral cortex, Brain Res. 602 99-103.

    • DG Herrera, Cavalcante Figueiredo,B. and A.C.Cuello (1993), Differential regulation of c-fos expression after cortical brain injury during development, Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. 76, 7985.

    • Bernardini, G.L., Herrera DG, Carson D., DeGasperi R., Gama Sosa M.A., Kolodny E.H. and Trifiletti R (1997); Adult-onset Krabbe disease in siblings with novel mutations in the galactocerebrosidase gene. Annals of Neurology, 41, 111-4.

    • DG Herrera, D Maysinger, R Funnel & AC Cuello. (1998) Analysis of c-fos and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression following topical application of potassium chloride to the brain surface. Brain Research 784 71-81.

    • DG Herrera (1998), Trauma and Self. Book Forum. Am. J. Psychiatry. 155, 301-2.

    • DG Herrera (1999) Emergencies in Mental Health Practice. Am J. Psychiatry 156, 1112-3.

    • DG Herrera, J.M Garcia-Verdugo and A. Alvarez-Buylla (1999) Adult-derived neural precursors transplanted into multiple regions in the adult brain. Ann Neurol ; 46, 867-77

    • H. Wichterle, J.M. Garcia-Verdugo, D.G. Herrera and A. Alvarez-Buylla (1999) Young neurons from medial ganglionic eminence disperse in adult and embryonic brain. Nature Neuroscience 2, 461-466.

    • Alvarez-Buylla A, Herrera DG, Wichterle H (2000) The subventricular zone: source of neuronal precursors for brain repair. Prog Brain Res. 2000;127, 1-11.

    • Lim, D.A., Tramontin A.D., Trevejo, J.M., Herrera, DG, GarcíaVerdugo J.M., and Alvarez- Buylla, A. (2000) Noggin antagonizes BMP signaling to create a niche for adult neurogenesis. Neuron, 28, 713-726.

    • Gritti A, Bonfanti L, Doetsch F, Caille I, Alvarez-Buylla A, Lim DA, Galli R, Verdugo JM, Herrera DG, Vescovi AL. Multipotent neural stem cells reside into the rostral extension and olfactory bulb of adult rodents. J Neurosci 2002; 22:437-45.

    • Lim DA, Flames N, Collado L, Herrera DG.Investigating the use of primary adult subventricular zone neural precursor cells for neuronal replacement therapies. Brain Res Bull. 2002 Apr;57(6):759-64.

    • Kim E, Shirvalkar P, Herrera DG (2003). Regulation of neurogenesis in the aging vertebrate brain: role of oxidative stress and neuropsychiatric factors. Clinical Neuroscience Research 2: 285-293.

    • Herrera DG, Almudena G.Yagüe, Siv Johnsen-Soriano, , Francisco Bosch-Morell, Lucia Collado-Morente, María Muriach, Francisco J. Romero & J. Manuel Garcia-Verdugo (2003) Selective impairment of hippocampal neurogenesis by chronic alcoholism: protective effects of an antioxidant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100: 7919-7924.

    • Yamada KA, Rensing N, Izumi Y, De Erausquin GA, Gazit V, Dorsey DA, Herrera DG. Repetitive hypoglycemia in young rats impairs hippocampal long-term potentiation. Pediatr Res. (2004);55 :372-9.

    • Emergency psychiatry. Herrera DG. American Journal of Psychiatry. (2004) 161: 769-770.

    • DG Herrera, Anders Nykjaer, Barbara L. Hempstead, Francis S. Lee. Sortilin modulates altered targeting of the BDNF Variant (Val66Met) into the regulated secretory pathway. J Neurosc. (2005) 25:6156-66.

    • Alessandro Ieraci , and DG Herrera Nicotinamide inhibits neuronal death and behavioral impairment in fetal alcohol syndrome. Plos Medicine (2006) 3(4):e101.

    • B. Seri, DG Herrera, A. Gritti, S. Ferron, L. Collado, A., Vescovi, J.M. Garcia-Verdugo and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. Composition and Organization of the SCZ: A Large Germinal Layer Containing Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Mammalian Brain. Cerebral Cortex (2006); 16:i103--i111

    • Chen Z-Y, Jing D, Bath KG, Ieraci A, Khan T, Siao C-J, Herrera DG, Toth M, McEwen BS, Hempstead BL and Lee FS. Genetic variant BDNF (Val66Met) polymorphism alters anxiety related behavior. (2006); Science, 314(5796):140-3.

    • Shirvalkar P, Malika S , Nicholas S, Herrera DG Cognitive enhancement with central thalamic electrical stimulation. (2006) PNAS;103(45):17007-12. Epub 2006 Oct 25.

    • Ieraci A and DG Herrera, Single alcohol exposure in early life damages hippocampal stem/progenitor cells and reduces adult neurogenesis. Neurobiology of Disease (2007); 26:597-605.

    • Leonardo Pignataro, Alexandria N. Miller, Limei Ma, Shonali Midha, Petr Protiva, DG.Herrera, and Neil L. Harrison. Alcohol regulates gene expression in neurons via activation of heat shock factor 1.J Neurosci. 2007 Nov 21;27(47):12957-66.

    • Daniels JE, Wirth JB, Herrera DG, et al Head banging on an inpatient psychiatric unit: A vicious circle. Harvard Review of Psychiatry (2007) ; 2: 70-79.

    • Effects of nicotinamide in a model of FAS. Herrera DG, Ieraci A. Source: Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research; (2008) 32, 6: 315-316A.

    • Bohland JW, Wu C, Barbas H, Bokil H, Bota M, Breiter HC, Cline HT, Doyle JC, Freed PJ, Greenspan RJ, Haber SN, Hawrylycz M, Herrera DG, Hilgetag CC, Huang ZJ, Jones A, Jones EG, Karten HJ, Kleinfeld D, Kötter R, Lester HA, Lin JM, Mensh BD, Mikula S, Panksepp J, Price JL, Safdieh J, Saper CB, Schiff ND, Schmahmann JD, Stillman BW, Svoboda K, Swanson LW, Toga AW, Van Essen DC, Watson JD, Mitra A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale. (2009) Plos Computational Biology; 5:3. Article Number: e1000334

    • Herrera DG. Neurobiology of Alcohol. In “Approach to the psychiatric patient: case-based essays” Ed by J.W. Barnhill. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. Arlington VA (2009).

    • Herrera DG. Neurobiology of Alcohol. (second edition) In “Approach to the psychiatric patient: case-based essays” Ed by J.W. Barnhill. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. Arlington VA (2018).

    • Ieraci A. and Herrera DG, Early postnatal ethanol exposure in mice induces sex dependent memory impairment and reduction of hippocampal NMDA-R2B expression in adulthood. Neuroscience. 2020 Feb 10;427:105-115

    • Huttlin EA, Herrera DG. Periorbital Edema Associated With Clozapine and Gabapentins: A Case Report. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2020 Mar/Apr;40(2):198-199